Saturday, 25 September 2010

"Music is a Good Thing" Shock Result!

Well, we have it from the mouth of no less than Michael Gove, the Minister of Education, himself: "All young people should have the chance to learn an instrument, read music and receive a top quality music education".

In announcing a wide-ranging review of Music Education in the UK, it seems that the government is officially recognising the long-claimed benefits of a musical education, and recognising how much it can contribute to the "Big Society".

OK, so at this stage it's just so much hot air, but it's hot air moving in the right direction !

You can see the details at

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Back to the Grindstone!

After a month's dereliction of duty, your blogmonaut takes the reins again ! No I haven't been away on holiday, or ill, it's just that what little I've had to say recently has been completely sabotaged by utterly hopeless broadband performance. If you are ever approached by a company called Daisy Communications about phones or broadband, ask me before you sign anything !

Usually August is extremely quiet in music shops, and it's true many of our regulars disappear for a few weeks. However, behind the scenes, in the workshop, David has been slogging away remorselessly preparing hundreds of instruments for the new term, especially for Wider Opportunities programmes. All this on top of trying to run a top-quality instrument repair service. Time the poor chap had a holiday.

Meanwhile, in the shop we're not only getting ready for the September Recorder Rush, but the music for Christmas shows for schools will be coming out onto the shelves any minute now. We've already had the first orders for Carols for Choirs. Don't forget, the next Bank Holiday is Boxing Day!

Over the summer we've said goodbye to Dan Bayliss, who leaves us to study Saxophone in Birmingham, and we've had some new faces join us, and we hope you'll enjoy meeting them soon.