Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Our Phone - Stop Thief!!!

If you've been trying to ring us in the last few days and not been able to get through, it might be because some nasty little villain has hacked into our phone system, and been phoning all over the world on our (pirated) phone lines. It turns out that this a huge racket, so big it appears to be automated!

This has created a number of difficulties for our business which we are working to resolve as quickly as possible. We are still able to receive most calls, but if you can't get through, please try again a few minutes later. We hope to have things fixed tomorrow, fingers crossed.

Happily our email - is still working and should elicit a reasonably quick reply !

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Matt or CATM?

Well, here we are faced with a dilemma - go with the local support for former Stoke College pupil Matt Cardle, or make it a vote against Simon Cowell and support Cage Against The Machine - the campaign to get the celebrated four minutes and thirty three seconds of silence downloaded enough times to make Number one in the Christmas Charts.

Well, however it goes, you can now buy the printed score for 4'33" from us, and - wait for it - we can also supply the Tee Shirt. Quite a good quality one too, as you'd expect from Peters Edition, but sadly, not in my size, or at least, not yet.